Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Another Ragamuffin

I spoke with a friend today...another ragamuffin find!  we shared a lot about our struggles and the wonderful "furious love" and grace of God.  I'll be making another post from the book soon.  Please join us in the conversation.


  1. Per the recommendation of first Wally and then, independently and within 24 hours, another trusted friend, I went out and purchased The Ragamuffin Gospel for my Nook. I'm just into the 2nd chapter but I can say that Manning definitely "gets it"! I've been coming to similar conclusions over the years with a group of other friends ( - and if links, even to like-minded folk are inappropriate my apologizes and feel free to remove this post or edit it).

    The idea that God's love is as unlimited as is him himself is very radical indeed and not just "resisted" as Manning noted, but in my experience is ACTIVELY FOUGHT! Why I am not sure other than to note what someone said about it being a law that we become like the god we worship and admire... and visa versa I suspect. I think that some simply do not feel that the universe can be run on the principles of self-sacrificing love, the foundation of God's government as far as I can tell. And THAT assertion goes all the way back to the Adversary, the Father of Lies.

    To me, Manning has indeed gone to the very core of the Gospel - the Good News that God is NOT the way his enemies have made him out to be!

  2. Mark, I'm glad you are enjoying your new discovery...The Ragamuffin Gospel. There is so much freedom in our spirit we can gain by simply beginning the process of trying to understand God's grace. I'm looking forward to your future thoughts and discoveries :)

  3. Still working my through RMG and still loving it. My suspicion is that he "gets it" and will eventually draw the conclusion that I think is at the heart of this, at least for me: Jesus IS God and if you want to know what the Father is like all you have to do is look to Jesus. So many seem to have Jesus playing "good cop" and the Father playing "bad cop" when Jesus said pretty plainly to Phillip when he asked "show us the Father" - "If you have seen me you HAVE SEEN the Father!" Amazing!

    While I'm on a rant here, last night I was re-listening to a series (that I filmed - it's amazing how little you actually get from a talk when you're having to manage all the recording details) and was reminded of the other thing that just knocks my socks off. It's in John 13 in the account of the Last Supper.

    "Jesus, know that he had been given ALL POWER, that he came from the Father and was returning to the Father..." { And here, in our heart-of-hearts, we want to read about how he kicked the Roman's butts! } "... took off his outer robe, tied a towel around his waist, and washed a dozen pair of dirty feet..." including the feet of the one who was about to betray him. That's not the kind of power we're used to, is it? Maybe that's Ragamuffin Power? ??? :)

  4. As you know, many in Jesus' day wanted him to be someone he wasn't. He didn't fit the "Messiah" mold that they wanted him to follow. "Kick butts!" would make it as a reality (unreality)show in today's market. Humility is not exactly something that is sought after. There is POWER in His humility! What an example! Thanks for sharing Mark :)


Beginning The Second Journey

Beginning the Second Journey

  Friday, February 12, 2021 BEGINNING THE SECOND JOURNEY On September 17, 2010, I began my Second Journey. God is moving me in new direction...