Thursday, July 19, 2012

Short Memory Ragamuffins

I heard, read, or dreamed about the memory of those little guppy fish.  Their brains are kind of small and they can only remember as far back as a few minutes.  So each time a predator heads toward them they think, "Oh look.  A new friend!" they say enthusiastically as they are being eliminated.

As a Ragamuffin, my memory gets short at times.  I let the waters of life distract me from the many blessings, graces, and mercies God provides me.  If I'm not careful I can get in places of danger without realizing it.

Can my fellow Ragamuffins relate to this?  Please share your insights and I will try to remember what you said! :)

Beginning The Second Journey

Beginning the Second Journey

  Friday, February 12, 2021 BEGINNING THE SECOND JOURNEY On September 17, 2010, I began my Second Journey. God is moving me in new direction...