Thursday, October 17, 2013

So what I read today isn't from Brennan Manning's writings, but it certainly qualifies!

In our addiction, we felt there must be an answer, a single answer to all our problems. A magic formula, perhaps, that would cure us instantly and set us free. How we wanted someone to come and give us that formula! But if there were a single answer, then life would be the same for everyone. And how boring that would be.

From Hazelden Meditations

I'm grateful that God is allowing me to go on the journey rather than waving a magic wand to make it all better.  It's better because He has daily lessons for me to learn and I don't want to miss out on my education!

Beginning The Second Journey

Beginning the Second Journey

  Friday, February 12, 2021 BEGINNING THE SECOND JOURNEY On September 17, 2010, I began my Second Journey. God is moving me in new direction...